This list is an accumulated list that provides all general changes we have applied to the game so far. Our approach has been to focus on Quality of Life and creating an identity to our server.We have posted other articles related to changes towards specific areas:
General Changes
Increased mob hostility count from 5 to 10.
All character, pet, partner and family names now only accept alphanumeric characters.
Disabled access to Act 3.2 to overhaul this area for future release.
Disabled "Legendary Hunter" Quests.
Note: We have done this to not conflict with specific custom additions.
Set the minimum player to do Instant Combat to 1 and Max to 30.
Instant Combat has been set to only work on Channels 2, 3 and 4.
Added additional teleport options to Teleportation Towers to improve transportation.
Disabled the use of Miniland Mini-Games.
Increased NosMate max loyalty to 2,500.
Pet Food no longer applies experience.
Adjusted SP7 and SP8 crafting recipes at Sarakael and Lilith.
Added custom vendors to NosVille and Citadel to assist players with useful items.
The following game features have been given an IP Check to help prevent against any abuse:
Kill/Deaths in Arena Maps
Kills/Deaths in Glacernon
Raid Entrance (2 Characters Max)
Timespace Rewards
The following items can now be traded on NosBasaar:
Draco's Claw
Glacerus' Mane
Small Ruby of Completion
Small Sapphire of Completion
Small Obsidian of Completion
Small Topaz of Completion
Ruby of Completion
Sapphire of Completion
Obsidian of Completion
Topaz of Completion
The following items sale value have been modified:
Shining Green Soul (12,500)
Shining Red Soul (35,750)
Shining Blue Soul (80,000)
Hot Wood (50,000)
Hot Lump of Metal (65,000)
Crystal of Balance (400,000)
Earth Crystal (400,000)
Relic of the First Tribes (25,000)
Intact Relic of the First Tribes (57,000)
Broken Diamond (15,000)
Intact Diamond (60,000)
Yellow Gem (15,000)
Green Gem (45,000)
Blue Gem (125,000)
Disabled the use of Sealed Vessel in the following maps:
Port Alveus Square
Added new boots and gloves to the game:
Vanguard's Boots
Champion Level: 30
Melee Def: 50
Ranged Def: 50
Magic Def: 50
Dodge: 0
Fire Res: 7
Water Res: 8
Light Res: 8
Dark Res: 7
All element energies are increased by 75.
Vanguard's Armguards
Champion Level: 30
Melee Def: 25
Ranged Def: 25
Magic Def: 25
Dodge: 60
Fire Res: 8
Water Res: 7
Light Res: 7
Dark Res: 8
All element energies are increased by 75.
Updated Laurena's Jewelry to the following:
Laurena's Necklace
All attacks are increased by 20.
All element energies are increased by 15.
All defence powers are increased by 25.
Laurena's Ring
All attacks are increased by 20.
All element energies are increased by 15.
All defence powers are increased by 25.
Laurena's Bracelet
All attacks are increased by 20.
All element energies are increased by 15.
All defence powers are increased by 25.
Added new stats to the game:
The swift skills of the jajamaru are increased by x.
Your damage is increased by x% when inside a Raid.
Damage is increased by x% when participating in an Instant Combat.
Defence is increased by x% when participating in an Instant Combat.
Damage against Incomplete Fernon is increased by x%.
Provides a x% chance of increasing damage by y% if the target is a monster.
Provides a x% chance of reducing damage by y% if the target is a monster.
There is a x% chance that you will receive an extra Raidbox after completing a Raid.
Modified the following Partner skills:
Lightning Conductor (Yertirand)
There is a 75% chance of causing [Electric Shock].Cool Time: 60 Seconds
Mana Burn (Erdimien)
There is a 20% chance that 60% of the remaining MP is lost.Cool Time: 180 Seconds
Created 2 new boxes that will be used as Un-Common and Common rewards for Mystery Boxes and modified Official Mystery Boxes.
Un-Common Box
Fairy Booster x1 -> x5Ancelloan's Blessing x1 -> x2Soulstone Blessing x1 -> x2Mother Nature's Rune Pack x1Wings of Friendship x7 -> x14Speaker x7 -> x14Note: All quantities are between the 2 values listed.
Note: The general idea of the boxes is to aid inventory management and allow further value to un-common and common items for resale.
Common Box
Divine Recovery Potion x7 -> x14Angel's Feather x15 -> x30Full Moon Crystal x15 -> x30Tarot Card Game x1Sealed Vessel x7 -> x14Fairy Experience Potion x1 -> x2Note: All quantities are between the 2 values listed.
Note: The general idea of the boxes is to aid inventory management and allow further value to un-common and common items for resale.
Medal of Erenia can no longer be traded or sold.
Added new permanent random boxes to the game.
Note: These boxes will remain permanently in the NosMall.
Unisex Costume Sets & More
Oto-Fox Costume SetAqua Bushi Costume SetBlack Bushi Costume SetBlue Bushi Costume SetGreen Bushi Costume SetRed Bushi Costume SetPink Bushi Costume SetTurquoise Bushi Costume SetYellow Bushi Costume SetUn-Common BoxCommon Box
Colorful Bushi Surprise Box
Brown BushiBlack BushiBlue BushiGreen BushiRed BushiPink BushiTurquoise BushiYellow BushiUn-Common BoxCommon Box
Special Bushi Surprise Box
Special Ops BushiExterminator BushiBoxer BushiSick BushiBull BushiAqua BushiUn-Common BoxCommon Box
Historical Bushi Surprise Box
Gladiator BushiShogun BushiCenturio BushiSamurai BushiCowboy BushiNinja BushiIndian BushiViking BushiUn-Common BoxCommon Box
Divine Fairies & More
Elkaim (Fire)Ladine (Water)Rumial (Light)Varik (Shadow)Un-Common BoxCommon BoxAdded new Bug Report boxes to the game.
Note: These boxes are rewards for reporting bugs in the game. Depending on the bug reported will depend on the prize. Any game breaking/economy breaking exploits if reported may also lead to further rewards.
DynZen Bug Report Box
Adventurer's Knapsack (30 Days)Divine Recovery Potion x99Experience Potion x6Ancelloan's Blessing x2Mother Nature's Tree Rune (Rare)Attack Potion x12Defence Potion x12
DynZen Critical Bug Report Box
Crystal WingsAdventurer's Knapsack (30 Days)Divine Recovery Potion x99Experience Potion x6Ancelloan's Blessing x2Mother Nature's Tree Rune (Rare)Attack Potion x12Defence Potion x12
Land of Death Changes
We approached LOD with the aim to deliver the event on any timezone with the key goal being to provide Combat and Job Experience. Due to our custom drop rate we have disabled drops to avoid issues your game client may experience.All related changes are below:
Players level 65 or higher are allowed to access.
Disabled all drops from the map.
The following schedule has been set for the event:
Channel 2
Opens: 13:00
Horned Devil: 14:30
Closes: 15:00
Opens: 16:00
Horned Devil: 17:30
Closes: 18:00
Channel 3
Opens: 14:00
Horned Devil: 15:30
Closes: 16:00
Opens: 17:00
Horned Devil: 18:30
Closes: 19:00
Channel 4
Opens: 15:00
Horned Devil: 16:30
Closes: 17:00
Opens: 18:00
Horned Devil: 19:30
Closes: 20:00
Channel 5
Opens: 16:00
Horned Devil: 17:30
Closes: 18:00
Opens: 19:00
Horned Devil: 20:30
Closes: 21:00
Channel 6
Opens: 17:00
Horned Devil: 18:30
Closes: 19:00
Opens: 20:00
Horned Devil: 21:30
Closes: 22:00
Channel 7
Opens: 22:00
Horned Devil: 23:30
Closes: 00:00
Opens: 14:00
Horned Devil: 15:30
Closes: 16:00
Channel 8
Opens: 00:00
Horned Devil: 01:30
Closes: 02:00
Opens: 18:00
Horned Devil: 19:30
Closes: 20:00
Timespace Changes
We feel Timespace only needed some slight adjustments, mainly directed towards Rewards and potential abuse factors. Due to our server rates we felt the need to avoid said behaviours from the start to maintain a healthy economy.All related changes are below:
You will not receive exp or gold if the system detects you are in a party with an alt character.
You will be instantly teleported outside of the Timespace if you leave a party.
Disabled server drop rate to apply to Timespace Mission [Defeating 108 Monsters].

Act 5.2 Changes
From our perspective the glistening years of the Burning Sword are well over. We decided to just nudge this content forward improving rewards to push onto the late game content sooner.All related changes are below:
Increased the Ice Flower Oil reward from the quest "Collect even more Ice Flowers! (Daily Quest)" from 10 to 20.
Kertos' Shadow no longer drops Kertos' Raid Seal.
Valakus' Shadow no longer drops Valakus' Raid Seal.
Updated the sale price of Magmaros' Gloves, Flame Giant Boots, Valakus' Gloves and Kertos' Boots to 1,250,000 gold.
Adjusted the items that drop from "Kertos' Shadow" to the following:
Phoenix's Claw
Blaze Hound's Fang
Valaket's Breath
Broken Diamond x5
Intact Diamond x3
Adjusted the items that drop from "Valakus' Shadow" to the following:
Flame Giant Shell Armour
Blaze Hound's Leather Armour
Fiery Phoenix's Robe
Broken Diamond x5
Intact Diamond x3
All monsters on the following maps drop the following items:
Shining Blue Soul
Shining Green Soul
Shining Red Soul
Angel's Feather
Kertos' Jaws
Eastern Path
Western Path
Valakus' Claws
Phoenix Wings
Left Wing
Right Wing
Katol's Street

Raid and Raidbox Changes
The raid system has received some QoL changes by removing some features that will not fit our vision and perspective on what makes raiding important. We have implemented a more accessible and viewable Raidbox and improved rates and rewards to make your efforts feel more rewarding overall.All related changes are below:
Raids will reward Raid Boxes that are identified against the Raid. This will aid with bazaar searches and organisation for players.
Removed the max level requirement for all raids to allow higher levels to still receive a Raid Box.
When the leader of a raid enters the boss room, the entire party is spawned to the boss room.
Raid cannot be entered if any player in the raid has more than 2 accounts inside the raid.
Disabled Raid Helpers.
Disabled Raid Seals drops from monsters.
Reworked the rates and rewards from the following Raid Boxes:
Raid Box [Mother Cuby]
Sweetheart [Title]Flame GlovesSparkle ShoesElvin's SwordRed BowRed Sage WandLarge Health Potion x12Large Mana Potion x12
Raid Box [Ginseng]
Harvester [Title]Ancient Crystal NecklaceAncient Crystal RingAncient Crystal BraceletBlue Robe of the WiseScrammerWinslet CrossbowPlaz Spell GunSentinel LookBrave DefenderLarge Health Potion x18Large Mana Potion x18
Raid Box [Dark Castra]
Necromancer [Title]Ancient Diamond NecklaceAncient Diamond RingAncient Diamond BraceletDeath GlovesWave ShoesX MaskGlorious SabreBow of PeaceGhost Whisper WandLarge Health Potion x24Large Mana Potion x24
Raid Box [Giant Black Spider]
Tangled [Title]Storm GlovesBlaze ShoesSlayerSiege BowSoul WandBalenty CrossbowKrisRay Spell GunSplendid DefenderRobe of LightTrial Robe
Raid Box [Massive Slade]
Archaeologist [Title]Divine GlovesShadow ShoesBroken Elemental SwordMajestic BowMajestic WandBallistaShadow KrisStar Spell GunHeavy DefenderBreezy TunicRobe of Wisdom
Raid Box [Chicken King]
Nugget [Title]Chicken Specialist CardLittle ChickDancing ChickyGrumbly ChickyMagic Egg x25~50Fried Chicken x50~75Large Health Potion x15Large Mana Potion x15Group Time-Space Piece x2
Raid Box [Namaju]
Sakura's Hero [Title]Sealed Princess Sakura BeadX MaskAmulet of Attack and Defence LevelsSpecialist Point Potion x20Seed of Power x50Group Time-Space Piece x2Angel's Feather x2
Ibrahim's Bag
Master Thief [Title]Ibrahim's Golden KeyRobber Gang Silver Coin x2~4Shiny Sky Blue Gemstone x1~3
Raid Box [Kertos the Demon Dog]
Demon Tamer [Title]Kertos' BootsAncient Civilisation TabletKertos' CollarKertos' PatternGrenigas Secondary Weapons ParchmentPhoenix's ClawForgotten Hero's CrossbowBlaze Hound's FangForgotten Hero's DaggerValaket's BreathForgotten Hero's Spell GunBroken Diamond x7~12Intact Diamond x3~10Earth Element x3Spring Water x2Blazing Piece of Red Metal x3
Raid Box [Valakus King of Fire]
Burning Sword [Title]Ancient Civilisation TabletValakus' GlovesKatol's BraceletKatol's PatternGrenigas Armour ParchmentFlame Giant Shell ArmourForgotten Hero's Chest ArmourBlaze Hound's Leather ArmourForgotten Hero's Leather ArmourFiery Phoenix's RobeForgotten Hero's RobeBroken Diamond x7~12Intact Diamond x3~10Earth Element x3Spring Water x2Blazing Piece of Red Metal x3
Raid Box [Fire God Grenigas]
Phoenix [Title]Ancient Civilisation TabletFlame Giant HelmetGrail's RingGrenigas Weapons ParchmentGrail's PatternMagmoros' Fire SwordForgotten Hero's SwordPhoenix WingsForgotten Hero's BowLava Ghost's WandForgotten Hero's Magic WandBroken Diamond x7~12Intact Diamond x3~10Earth Element x3Spring Water x2Blazing Piece of Red Metal x3
Raid Box [Lord Draco]
Draconic Gladiator [Title]Gladiator Specialist CardFire Cannoneer Specialist CardVolcano Specialist CardSmall Ruby of CompletionSmall Obsidian of CompletionRuby of CompletionObsidian of CompletionExperience PotionDragon Skin x3Dragon Blood x2Dragon HeartAngel's Feather x7Full Moon Crystal x4
Raid Box [Glacerus the Ice Cold]
Coldhearted [Title]Battle Monk Specialist CardScout Specialist CardTide Lord Specialist CardSmall Sapphire of CompletionSmall Topaz of CompletionSapphire of CompletionTopaz of CompletionExperience PotionShiny Sky Blue Gemstone x2~4Angel's Feather x7Full Moon Crystal x4
Laurena's Ancient Witch's Chest
Bewitched [Title]Laurena's Specialist Partner CardArchmage Specialist CardAvenging Angel Specialist CardRenegade Specialist CardSmall Sapphire of CompletionSmall Topaz of CompletionSapphire of CompletionTopaz of CompletionSmall Ruby of CompletionSmall Obsidian of CompletionRuby of CompletionObsidian of CompletionBlue Gem x2Divine Recovery Potion x5Angel's Feather x5Shining Blue Soul x3
Laurena's Mysterious Witch's Chest
Bewitched [Title]Laurena's Specialist Partner CardArchmage Specialist CardAvenging Angel Specialist CardRenegade Specialist CardSmall Sapphire of CompletionSmall Topaz of CompletionSapphire of CompletionTopaz of CompletionSmall Ruby of CompletionSmall Obsidian of CompletionRuby of CompletionObsidian of CompletionBlue Gem x3Divine Recovery Potion x10Angel's Feather x10Shining Blue Soul x3
Laurena's Fabled Witch's Chest
Bewitched [Title]Laurena's Witch HatArchangel Lucifer's Specialist Partner CardArchmage Specialist CardAvenging Angel Specialist CardRenegade Specialist CardLaurena's NecklaceLaurena's RingLaurena's BraceletLaurena's Specialist Partner CardSmall Sapphire of CompletionSmall Topaz of CompletionSapphire of CompletionTopaz of CompletionSmall Ruby of CompletionSmall Obsidian of CompletionRuby of CompletionObsidian of CompletionBlue Gem x4Divine Recovery Potion x15Angel's Feather x15Shining Blue Soul x5
PVP and Arena Balance changes
One the important aspects this game has to offer and in my opinion the most fun. When deciding on how to balance PVP and keep it fair we took a more strict approach and limited certain features inside the Arena. We will always monitor this section of the game to continue improving the experience and provide us with enough information to produce further PVP content in the future!All related changes are below:
Cannot be in a party.
Partners cannot be used.
No buffs from other characters.
Potions unable to be used except Fairy Boosters and Tarot Cards.
10 second timer applied to players when leaving safe zone.
10 second timer applied to players when leaving arena.
Disabled CTRL+Z function (Screenshot Mode) from the client.
Updated the stats for the following items:
Necklace of the Forgotten Hero J
Increases PvP attack power by 5%.
Ring of the Forgotten Hero S
Increases PvP attack power by 3%.
Bracelet of the Forgotten Hero M
Increases PvP attack power by 3%.

Custom Beginner System Details
We have designed the Beginner System to help assist the early game in NosTale. The idea for this content is to close the gap between early and mid game that has always occurred in the player experience with this game.Additionally the NPC has been built around the aspect of handling Daily and Weekly content so we hope the NPC can be identified as a need for both new and old players to come.All related changes are below:
Added all new Beginner Equipment to the game.
Added "Eri" the NosVille Educator, this NPC can be found in NosVille [85, 110].
Note: Eri will have a shop that sells Raid Seals as well as provide a buff for players level 75 and below. Will offer daily/weekly quests and also reward players for reaching certain level milestones and trials rewarding "Beginner Packages".
Added Beginner Packages to the game:
Eri's Practice Package
Obtained by reaching Lv. 15 and completing the "Eri's Trial 1" quest.
Eri's Practice Sword
Eri's Practice Armour
Eri's Practice Crossbow
Fire Fairy (30%)
Eri's Practice Bow
Eri's Practice Tunic
Eri's Practice Dagger
Water Fairy (30%)
Eri's Practice Wand
Eri's Practice Robe
Eri's Practice Spell Gun
Fire Fairy (30%)
All Classes
Winnie Whitefeather (DynZen)
Seed of Power x99
Specialist Point Potion x50
Medium Health Potion x50
Medium Mana Potion x50
Classic Bushi Costume (Permanent)
Classic Bushi Hat (Permanent)
Eri's Rookie Package
Obtained by reaching Lv. 30 and completing the "Eri's Trial 2" quest and all previous Trial quests.
Eri's Rookie Sword
Eri's Rookie Armour
Eri's Rookie Crossbow
Eri's Rookie Bow
Eri's Rookie Tunic
Eri's Rookie Dagger
Eri's Rookie Wand
Eri's Rookie Robe
Eri's Rookie Spell Gun
All Classes
Medium Health Potion x50
Medium Mana Potion x50
Tarot Card (The Tower)
Magic Speed Booster (7 Days)
Eri's Novice Package
Obtained by reaching Lv. 45 and completing the "Eri's Trial 3" quest and all previous Trial quests.
Eri's Novice Sword
Eri's Novice Armour
Eri's Novice Crossbow
Eri's Novice Bow
Eri's Novice Tunic
Eri's Novice Dagger
Eri's Novice Wand
Eri's Novice Robe
Eri's Novice Spell Gun
All Classes
Medium Recovery Potion
NosMerchant Medal (7 Days)
Large Health Potion x50
Large Mana Potion x50
Eri's Intermediate Package
Obtained by reaching Lv. 60 and completing the "Eri's Trial 4" quest and all previous Trial quests.
Eri's Intermediate Sword
Eri's Intermediate Armour
Eri's Intermediate Crossbow
Eri's Intermediate Bow
Eri's Intermediate Tunic
Eri's Intermediate Dagger
Eri's Intermediate Wand
Eri's Intermediate Robe
Eri's Intermediate Spell Gun
All Classes
Large Health Potion x50
Large Mana Potion x50
Adventurer's Knapsack (10 Days/Event)
Eri's Expert Package
Obtained by reaching Lv. 73 and completing the "Eri's Trial 5" quest and all previous Trial quests.
Eri's Expert Sword
Eri's Expert Armour
Eri's Expert Crossbow
Eri's Expert Bow
Eri's Expert Tunic
Eri's Expert Dagger
Eri's Expert Wand
Eri's Expert Robe
Eri's Expert Spell Gun
All Classes
Huge Recovery Potion x99
Attack Potion x5
Defence Potion x5
Partner's Backpack (10 Days)
Eri's Heroic Package
Obtained by reaching Lv. 85 and completing the "Eri's Trial 6" quest and all previous Trial quests.
Eri's Heroic Sword
Eri's Heroic Armour
Eri's Heroic Crossbow
Eri's Heroic Bow
Eri's Heroic Tunic
Eri's Heroic Dagger
Eri's Heroic Wand
Eri's Heroic Robe
Eri's Heroic Spell Gun
All Classes
Divine Recovery Potion x50
Attack Potion x5
Defence Potion x5
Ancelloan's Blessing x3
Tarot Card (The Star)
Added "Trial" quests to Eri.
Added Daily and Weekly quests to Eri.
Note: Weekly quests will reset each maintenance.
We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.See you in NosVille!