We approached Act 6.1 by distributing more monsters on key maps and also adjusted certain Act 6.1 equipment we felt would help assisting with levelling further. Our balance decisions have been based around key releases such as Act 7.1 where again this act will require adjustments to fit our goal.You can find all changes applied to Act 6.1 below:
General Changes
Cylloan can only be entered when a player has reached level 93 instead of 85.
Disabled items such as Wings of Friendship and Amulet of Return for players attempting to access Act 6.1 maps whilst under the level requirement.
Removed exp reward from the quest "Angels vs. Demons 12"
Improved Act 6.1 equipment sale prices to aid with economy.
Reduced "Earth Crystal" reward from quest "Time-Space Researcher (3) (Daily)" from 3 to 2.
Removed "Hot Wood" reward from quest "Defeat Zealots! (Daily)".
Removed "Hot Lump of Metal" reward from quest "Defeat Rement! (Daily)".
Rewards inside item "Hellord Military Supplies" have been reworked to the following:
Elkaim's Essence
Varik's Essence
Sellaim's Essence
Turik's Essence
Abyssal Essence
Experience Potion x3
Crystal of Balance x5
Attack Potion x5
Defence Potion x5
Energy Potion x5
Crystal of Balance x3
Silk x15
Rewards inside item "Mystic Heaven Military Supplies" have been reworked to the following:
Ladine's Essence
Rumial's Essence
Woondine's Essence
Eperial's Essence
Twilight Essence
Experience Potion x3
Crystal of Balance x5
Attack Potion x5
Defence Potion x5
Energy Potion x5
Crystal of Balance x3
Silk x15
Removed the production option for "Twilight Essence" from Priest of Transformation.
Removed the production option for "Abyssal Essence" from Priest of Transformation.
The following Act 6.1 map bosses will now have a random respawn between 2~4 hours each time they are killed:
Shadow Knight Deront
Hell Knight
Archtheridon Hellduke
All monsters on the following Act 6.1 maps drop the following items:
Shining Blue Soul
Vanguard's Armguards
Vanguard's Boots
Heaven's Gate 1
Heaven's Gate 2
Heaven's Gate 3
Heaven's Gate 4
Hell's Gate 1
Hell's Gate 2
Hell's Gate 3
Hell's Gate 4
Heaven's Ruins 1
Heaven's Ruins 2
Hell's Ruins 1
Hell's Ruins 2
Increased the amount of monsters inside the following Act 6.1 maps:
Hell's Gate 4
Hell's Ruins 1
Hell's Ruins 2
Monster "Rement" has been removed from the following Act 6.1 maps:
Hell's Gate 4
Hell's Ruins 1
Hell's Ruins 2
Reworked Act 6.1 Equipment stats:
Sealed Heavenly Sword
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 605
Max Dmg: 695
Hit Rate: 525
Crit Chance: 18%
Crit Dmg: 190%
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 18.
All element energies are increased by 185.
Increases damage with a probability of 45% by 40%.
Sealed Heavenly Crossbow
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 535
Max Dmg: 646
Hit Rate: 505
Crit Chance: 20%
Crit Dmg: 180%
All attacks are increased by 75.
All defence powers are increased by 75.
Increases damage with a probability of 12% by 35%.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 8.
Sealed Heavenly Bow
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 520
Max Dmg: 680
Hit Rate: 505
Crit Chance: 18%
Crit Dmg: 175%
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 18.
All element energies are increased by 150.
Increases damage with a probability of 30% by 40%.
Sealed Heavenly Dagger
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 505
Max Dmg: 565
Hit Rate: 500
Crit Chance: 20%
Crit Dmg: 290%
Increases damage with a probability of 6% by 55%.
Hit rate of all attacks is increased by 50.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10.
Sealed Heavenly Staff
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 600
Max Dmg: 705
Concentration: 95
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 21.
All element energies are increased by 220.
Increases damage with a probability of 25% by 50%.
Maximum MP is increased by 8000.
Sealed Heavenly Spell Gun
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 565
Max Dmg: 655
Hit Rate: 490
Crit Chance: 18%
Crit Dmg: 195%
Range: 7
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10.
Hit rate of all attacks is increased by 50.
Increases damage with a probability of 25% by 35%.
Maximum MP is increased by 2000.
Sealed Hellord Sword
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 673
Max Dmg: 765
Hit Rate: 500
Crit Chance: 13%
Crit Dmg: 200%
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 18.
All element energies are increased by 185.
Increases damage with a probability of 45% by 40%.
Sealed Hellord Crossbow
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 590
Max Dmg: 711
Hit Rate: 505
Crit Chance: 15%
Crit Dmg: 200%
All attacks are increased by 75.
All defence powers are increased by 75.
Increases damage with a probability of 10% by 30%.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 8.
Sealed Hellord Bow
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 570
Max Dmg: 745
Hit Rate: 450
Crit Chance: 14%
Crit Dmg: 190%
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 18.
All element energies are increased by 150.
Increases damage with a probability of 30% by 40%.
Sealed Hellord Dagger
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 545
Max Dmg: 620
Hit Rate: 450
Crit Chance: 15%
Crit Dmg: 310%
Increases damage with a probability of 6% by 55%.
Hit rate of all attacks is increased by 50.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10.
Sealed Hellord Wand
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 655
Max Dmg: 768
Concentration: 80
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 21.
All element energies are increased by 220.
Increases damage with a probability of 25% by 50%.
Maximum MP is increased by 8000.
Sealed Hellord Spell Gun
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 620
Max Dmg: 716
Hit Rate: 450
Crit Chance: 13%
Crit Dmg: 200%
Range: 7
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10.
Hit rate of all attacks is increased by 50.
Increases damage with a probability of 25% by 35%.
Maximum MP is increased by 2000.
Sealed Heavenly Leather Armour
Champion Level: 25
Melee Def: 395
Ranged Def: 360
Magic Def: 460
Dodge: 585
Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by 10%.
Damage from critical hits is reduced by 45%.
All elemental resistance is increased by 7.
Maximum HP is increased by 3750.
Sealed Hellord Leather Armour
Champion Level: 25
Melee Def: 395
Ranged Def: 360
Magic Def: 460
Dodge: 585
Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by 10%.
Damage from critical hits is reduced by 45%.
All elemental resistance is increased by 7.
Maximum HP is increased by 3750.

Raid Changes
We have made QoL changes to assist with raid marathons surrounding Zenas and Erenia raids and adjusted the raidboxes by improving the rewards and rates.All related changes are below:
Reworked the rates and rewards from the following Act 6.1 Raid Boxes:
Raid Box [Zenas]
Zenas' Divine RingZenas' Luxury High HeelsZenas' EggSealed Heavenly GlovesSealed Heavenly ShoesTwilight EssenceSealed Heavy Heavenly ArmourSealed Heavenly RobeSealed Heavenly Leather ArmourSealed Heavenly CrossbowSealed Heavenly Spell GunSealed Heavenly DaggerSealed Heavenly SwordSealed Heavenly StaffSealed Heavenly BowSealed Heavenly HelmetSealed Heavenly Leather HatSealed Heavenly HeadbandDraco's Claw x2~4Glacerus' Mane x2~4Archangel WingsAngel WingsCrystal of Balance x2Shining Blue Soul x3Silk x5Intact Orichalcum x5Ancelloan's Secondary Weapon Production ScrollAncelloan's Armour Production ScrollCellon (Level 9) x2
Raid Box [Erenia]
Erenia's Crafted HornSealed Hellord GlovesSealed Hellord ShoesAbyssal EssenceErenia's EggSealed Hellord Heavy ArmourSealed Hellord RobeSealed Hellord Leather ArmourSealed Hellord CrossbowSealed Hellord Spell GunSealed Hellord DaggerSealed Hellord SwordSealed Hellord WandSealed Hellord BowSealed Hellord HelmetSealed Hellord Leather HatSealed Hellord HeadbandArchdaemon WingsDevil WingsDraco's Claw x2~4Glacerus' Mane x2~4Crystal of Balance x2Shining Blue Soul x3Silk x5Intact Orichalcum x5Ancelloan's Secondary Weapon Production ScrollAncelloan's Armour Production ScrollCellon (Level 9) x2Increased the amount of percentage gained when killing a monster for a raid audience.
Reduced the duration of the Priestess mode against Zenas from 180 seconds to 90 seconds.
Disabled the following maps from improving raid percentage for audience.
Heaven's Ruins 1
Heaven's Ruins 2
Hell's Ruins 1
Hell's Ruins 2
Speed Booster items cannot be used inside Erenia and Zenas raids.
The following skills cannot be used inside Erenia and Zenas raids:
Rocket Riding
Mass Teleport
Blink (Buff will still be applied)
We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.See you in NosVille!