Glacernon has provided over the years many fun memories. During the early days of development we did have the idea of revamping some of the key areas but decided against as it didn't fit what we aimed out to achieve in the end.Although we do have some prototypes within the Development Environment and several ideas on enhancing this area by providing more reasons to participate, we believe the changes we have applied such suffice this early in the game.
General Changes
Disabled miniland return whilst inside Glacernon.
You will now receive x2 Ice Flower when gathering this item.
Added Divine Health Potion and Divine Mana Potion to Amelia Glacia's shop.
Unable to update quest progress for Sound Flower Energy quest whilst in Glacernon.
15 second cooldown has been applied when using specific portals in Glacernon.
Disabled the use of the following items on the following Glacernon maps:
Divine Mana Potion
Divine Recovery Potion
Divine Recovery Potion
Cylloan Spring Water
Small Special Potion
Medium Special Potion
Large Special Potion
Fafnir's Fried Dinner
Attack Potion
Defence Potion
Energy Potion
Strong Ice Flower Oil
Large Heat Resistance Potion
Heat Resistance Potion
Ice Flower Oil
Bell of Sweet Home
Western Frost Land
North Ice Desert
Eastern Frost Land
Bitoren Tundra
Unknown Land
Caligor's Realm
Disabled the following Pet/Partner skills from being used in the following Glacernon maps:
Mystifying (Harlequin)
Phase Change (Nelia Nymph)
Loving Heart (Magic Student Yuna)
Ice Sheen (Ice Princess Eliza)
Name of God (Archangel Lucifer, Guardian Lucifer)
Western Frost Land
North Ice Desert
Eastern Frost Land
Bitoren Tundra
Unknown Land
Caligor's Realm

When inside the following maps "The Frozen Crown" buff will be applied to all players:
Western Frost Land
North Ice Desert
Eastern Frost Land
Bitoren Tundra
Unknown Land
Caligor's Realm
Raid Changes
We took a hard look at how the current Raids work in Glacernon. Our approach has been mainly on time and worth. Some of the changes we have applied are to keep the areas fresh and to provide a better output for players.You can read below all the changes we have applied to this area of Glacernon:
Disabled action points inside Glacernon raids to ensure everyone is rewarded.
Added an IP check that will not reward someone who has too many alt characters inside the raid.
All Raidboxes dropped from a Glacernon dungeon will be Rare 4 or higher.
When obtaining a Shell item from a Glacernon Raidbox the minimum level will be forced to 75.
Modified the dungeon mechanics and how the dungeon is selected:
Once a faction wins, the losing faction will receive x2 points (Only applies if Lord Mukraju is defeated).
The previous dungeon used by either faction will not become available the next time a dungeon is opened.
Dungeons will now remain open for 45 minutes instead of 60.
Reworked the rates and rewards from the following Glacernon Raid Boxes:
Lord Morcos' Chest
Blazing Heart [Title]Sellaim's EssencePerfect Shell (Weapon)PvP Shell (Weapon)Special Shell (Weapon)Rainbow Pearl x5Magic EraserSmall Ruby of Completion x3Ruby of Completion x3Angel's Feather x15
Lord Hatus' Gift Box
Abyss Dweller [Title]Turik's EssencePerfect Shell (Weapon)PvP Shell (Weapon)Special Shell (Weapon)Rainbow Pearl x5Magic EraserSmall Obsidian of Completion x3Obsidian of Completion x3Angel's Feather x15
Lady Calvinas' Gift Box
Ocean Keeper [Title]Woondine's EssencePerfect Shell (Armour)PvP Shell (Armour)Special Shell (Armour)Rainbow Pearl x5Magic EraserSmall Sapphire of Completion x3Sapphire of Completion x3Angel's Feather x15
Baron Berios' Treasure Chest
Illuminator [Title]Eperial's EssencePerfect Shell (Armour)PvP Shell (Armour)Special Shell (Armour)Rainbow Pearl x5Magic EraserSmall Topaz of Completion x3Topaz of Completion x3Angel's Feather x15Caligor Changes
Understandably, Caligor is Act 6.2 but since it resides within Glacernon, we felt it is best to note the changes here.Our aim with Caligor is mainly directed towards it's availability. We have made changes to the rewards of the event but mainly our focus has been to providing the event for as many days as possible per week.
If you kill someone during Caligor, you will not receive any reputation or counts towards your title achievements.
Caligor Event schedule has been modified to the following:
Reworked the rates and rewards from the following Caligor Boxes:
Caligor's Regular Treasure Chest
Seer Specialist CardDemon Hunter Specialist CardDeath Reaper Specialist CardDragon Heart x2Shining Blue Soul x5Angel's Feather x30Small Ruby of Completion x3Small Sapphire of Completion x3Small Obsidian of Completion x3Small Topaz of Completion x3Ruby of Completion x3Sapphire of Completion x3Obsidian of Completion x3Topaz of Completion x3Dragon HeartShining Blue Soul x3Angel's Feather x15Small Ruby of CompletionSmall Sapphire of CompletionSmall Obsidian of CompletionSmall Topaz of CompletionRuby of CompletionSapphire of CompletionObsidian of Completion
Caligor's Treasure Chest
Seer Specialist CardDemon Hunter Specialist CardDeath Reaper Specialist CardDragon Heart x3Shining Blue Soul x10Angel's Feather x50Small Ruby of Completion x3Small Sapphire of Completion x3Small Obsidian of Completion x3Small Topaz of Completion x3Ruby of Completion x3Sapphire of Completion x3Obsidian of Completion x3Topaz of Completion x3Dragon HeartShining Blue Soul x5Angel's Feather x30Small Ruby of Completion x2Small Sapphire of Completion x2Small Obsidian of Completion x2Small Topaz of Completion x2Ruby of Completion x2Sapphire of Completion x2Obsidian of Completion x2
Caligor's Glowing Treasure Chest
Caligor's Golden HornSeer Specialist CardDemon Hunter Specialist CardDeath Reaper Specialist CardDragon Heart x5Shining Blue Soul x10Angel's Feather x99Small Ruby of Completion x5Small Sapphire of Completion x5Small Obsidian of Completion x5Small Topaz of Completion x5Ruby of Completion x5Sapphire of Completion x5Obsidian of Completion x5Topaz of Completion x5Dragon Heart x3Shining Blue Soul x7Angel's Feather x50Small Ruby of Completion x3Small Sapphire of Completion x3Small Obsidian of Completion x3Small Topaz of Completion x3Ruby of Completion x3Sapphire of Completion x3Obsidian of Completion x3Topaz of Completion x3We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.See you in NosVille!