Act 6.2 Changes

Same as for Act6.1, Act6.2 needed some fine tuning. Changing the map and monster distributions as well as adjusting the late game equipment should make the overall current NosTale lategame experience a little bit more comfortable for our players.

You can find all changes applied to Act 6.2 below:

General Changes

Reworked Act 6.2 Equipment stats:

Broken Krem's Right Blade

Champion Level: 45
Min Dmg: 765
Max Dmg: 915
Hit Rate: 510
Crit Chance: 15%
Crit Dmg: 210%

Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 21.
All element energies are increased by 185.
Increases damage with a probability of 45% by 45%.

Brave Shares' Heavy Armour

Champion Level: 48
Melee Def: 724
Ranged Def: 609
Magic Def: 510
Dodge: 513

Damage from critical hits is reduced by 65%.
Maximum HP is increased by 8250.
All elemental resistance is increased by 10.
Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by 10%.

Luminiel's Shining Crossbow

Champion Level: 45
Min Dmg: 753
Max Dmg: 869
Hit Rate: 510
Crit Chance: 16%
Crit Dmg: 210%

All attacks are increased by 120.
All defence powers are increased by 120.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10.
Increases damage with a probability of 12% by 35%.

Azrael's Wings

Champion Level: 45
Min Dmg: 749
Max Dmg: 859
Hit Rate: 495
Crit Chance: 16%
Crit Dmg: 210%

Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 21.
All element energies are increased by 185.
Increases damage with a probability of 35% by 45%.

Leather Armour of Silver Soul Glacernon

Champion Level: 48
Melee Def: 600
Ranged Def: 650
Magic Def: 665
Dodge: 549

Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by 10%.
Damage from critical hits is reduced by 50%.
Maximum HP is increased by 5500.
All elemental resistance is increased by 7.

Broken Krem's Left Blade

Champion Level: 45
Min Dmg: 605
Max Dmg: 713
Hit Rate: 485
Crit Chance: 16%
Crit Dmg: 315%

Increases damage with a probability of 6% by 65%.
All element energies are increased by 60.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10.
Hit rate of all attacks is increased by 60.

Seli-Lusha's Branch of Light

Champion Level: 45
Min Dmg: 826
Max Dmg: 905
Concentration: 85

Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 23.
All element energies are increased by 240.
Increases damage with a probability of 30% by 55%.

Mukraju's Robe

Champion Level: 48
Melee Def: 575
Ranged Def: 651
Magic Def: 744
Dodge: 520

Probability to receive critical hits is decreased by 11%.
Maximum HP is increased by 8000.
Damage from critical hits is reduced by 50%.
All elemental resistance is increased by 10.

Abyssal Lorten's Spell Gun

Champion Level: 45
Min Dmg: 679
Max Dmg: 813
Hit Rate: 480
Crit Chance: 15%
Crit Dmg: 215%
Range: 7

Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 10.
Increases damage with a probability of 25% by 40%.
Hit rate of all attacks is increased by 50.
All element energies are increased by 60.

Fernon's Gloves

Champion Level: 50
Melee Def: 55
Ranged Def: 55
Magic Def: 55
Dodge: 50
Fire Res: 11
Water Res: 11
Light Res: 11
Dark Res: 11

Dodge is increased by 30.
All element energies are increased by 100.

Azrael's Mask

Champion Level: 50
Melee Def: 0
Ranged Def: 0
Magic Def: 0
Dodge: 0
Fire Res: 0
Water Res: 0
Light Res: 0
Dark Res: 0

Up to level 4 there is a 10% chance of never getting a bad effect.
Increases PvP attack power by 3%.
Reduces damage received in PvP by 3%.
All elemental resistance is increased by 3.

Increased the amount of monsters inside the following Act 6.2 maps:

Ancelloan's Will 1
Ancelloan's Will 2
Ancelloan's Will 3
Ancelloan's Will 4
Ancelloan's Will 5
Ancelloan's Will 6

All monsters on the following Act 6.2 maps drop the following items:


Shining Blue Soul
Vanguard's Armguards
Vanguard's Boots
Angel's Feather


Ancelloan's Will 1
Ancelloan's Will 2
Ancelloan's Will 3
Ancelloan's Will 4
Ancelloan's Will 5
Ancelloan's Will 6

Raid Changes

Incomplete Fernon is known as a fast and easy spam raid. We have made adjustments to help make the raid feel like a late game raid and to provide a helping hand to damage with classes that are usually excluded. Like other raids we have adjusted the raidbox rewards and rates.

It's important to know we have also made changes to the Caligor event which can be found in the following article "Glacernon Changes".

All related changes are below:

You cannot use Wild Sound Flower whilst inside Temple Site map.
Renamed "Akashic Record" to "Raid Seal: Fernon" to aid clarity with the item name.
Updated item icon of Raid Seal: Fernon.
Modified Incomplete Fernon stats to the following:

Level has been increased to 96.
HP has been increased by 25%.
Resistances have been increased from 110% to 130%.
Lowered some of the defence base damage reductions to assist with damage.

Disabled the use of the following skills inside Fernon raid:


Disabled the extra drops that are thrown after Fernon is defeated.
Fernon raid now only rewards "Fernon the Destroyer Treasure Chest" it will no longer reward the other raid chest.
Reworked the rates and rewards from the following Act 6.2 Raid Box:

Fernon the Destroyer Treasure Chest

Fernon's Gloves
Fernon's Shoes
Azrael's Mask
Fernon's Egg
Luminiel's Shining Crossbow
Abyssal Lorten's Spell Gun
Broken Krem's Left Blade
Broken Krem's Right Blade
Seli-Lusha's Branch of Light
Azrael's Wings
Brave Shares' Heavy Armour
Mukraju's Robe
Leather Armour of Silver Soul Glacernon
Archdaemon Wings
Archangel Wings
Shares' Steel Helm
Glacernon Leather Hat
Mukraju's Circlet
Draco's Claw x3
Glacerus' Mane x3
Crystal of Balance x2
Shining Blue Soul x3
Silk x5
Intact Orichalcum x5
Ancelloan's Secondary Weapon Production Scroll
Ancelloan's Armour Production Scroll

We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.

See you in NosVille!