We're only applying a few changes today due to our core focus being on Patch 1.0.11 release. Progress on the patch is going very well and we cannot wait to show you all when it's complete.
General Changes
Battle Pass and Summer Event duration has been extended to September 1st.
Improved Jinn's Apprentice pet movement speed.
Updated Flash Freeze skill to include "There is a 100% chance of causing [Short Blackout]".
You can now trade x100 Shining Blue Soul for Sakura at Therese.
You should no longer be able to be hit by meteors when cursed by Jinn.
Updated Fairy Wings to the following:
(Buff) Fairy Wings
Type: Level 10 Good Buff
Style: General Effect
Buff Time: 300 second(s)
Provides a 7% -> 10% chance to reset the cooldown of the attack skill used.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
[+] Reduces cooldown of skills by 10%.
Removed the flag on Bacoom and Zealot that prevented push and pull mechanics from working.
Replaced Seraphim Egg with Steampunk Weapons Chest on Therese's Treasure jackpot prize.
Updated Steampunk weapon costumes:
Steampunk Chronoblade (Permanent)
Level: 20
Provides a 30% chance of increasing damage by 10% if the monster has the same or a higher level than the character.
[+] Damage to monsters is increased by 10%.
Steampunk Clockwork Bow (Permanent)
Level: 20
Provides a 30% chance of increasing damage by 10% if the monster has the same or a higher level than the character.
[+] Damage to monsters is increased by 10%.
Steampunk Geared Wand (Permanent)
Level: 20
Provides a 30% chance of increasing damage by 10% if the monster has the same or a higher level than the character.
[+] Damage to monsters is increased by 10%.

NosMall Changes
This weeks Fortune Bags are

"Nelia Nymph",

"Magic Bone Drake" and

"Fairy Wings"!You can see what these items provide you below:

You can also view on our Discord Server the information regarding each weeks Fortune Bags!
Bug Fixes
Fixed a text bug with "Jennifer's Request I" quest.
Fixed a bug with "Damage to monsters is increased by x%" stat.
We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.See you in NosVille!