We're pleased to hear the event has went down well. We have had to make some slight changes to keep the raid challenging though and we've decided to address other areas of the game as well.I would like to inform everyone that we have began working on a significantly big patch which will include Act 3.2 rework, Martial Artist rework, "Soul Stone" Custom System and Act 7.1/7.2 release.Thanks again to everyone who stands by us and our work, we are doing everything we can to create a great version of this beloved game.
General Changes
Updated the following Wing Effects:
(Buff) Archangel Wings
Type: Level 10 Good Buff
Style: General Effect
Buff Time: 300 second(s)
Reduces the enemy's light resistance by 10 -> 5.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
[+] Light element is increased by 50.
(Buff) Archdaemon Wings
Type: Level 10 Good Buff
Style: General Effect
Buff Time: 300 second(s)
Reduces the enemy's shadow resistance by 10 -> 5.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
[+] Shadow element is increased by 50.
(Buff) Blazing Fire Wings
Type: Level 10 Good Buff
Style: General Effect
Buff Time: 300 second(s)
Reduces the enemy's fire resistance by 10 -> 5.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
[+] Fire element is increased by 50.
(Buff) Frosty Ice Wings
Type: Level 10 Good Buff
Style: General Effect
Buff Time: 300 second(s)
Reduces the enemy's water resistance by 10 -> 5.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
[+] Water element is increased by 50.
Updated the following Pirate SP skills:
Fire a Musket
Attack Type: Ranged
Element: No Element
Cast Time: 1
Cooldown: 0.7 Second(s)
MP Cost: 0
Distance: 6 -> 10
Target Style: Single Target
Target Type: Target
There is a 3% chance of causing [Gunshot Wound].
Dash Attack
Attack Type: Dash
Element: No Element
Cast Time: 0
Cooldown: 12 Second(s)
MP Cost: 120
Distance: 6 -> 10
Target Style: Single Target
Target Type: Target
There is a 10% chance of causing [Blackout].
There is a 70% chance of causing [Bleeding].
Cannon Fire
Attack Type: Ranged
Element: No Element
Cast Time: 10
Cooldown: 50 Second(s)
MP Cost: 150
Distance: 9 -> 10
Target Style: AOE
Target Type: Target
There is a 60% chance of causing [Explosive Shock].
The following event items will drop from all monsters with a level gap of 15:
Cursed Lamp Seal
Juicy Watermelon
Blessed Oasis Water
Removed "Jennifer's Request II" quest from the game.
Note: Both "Jennifer's Request I" and "Jennifer's Request II" have been removed from all players to avoid a bug, you will have to reclaim the quest at Jennifer in Jinn's Domain.
Updated "Jennifer's Request I" task to require defeating 350 monsters instead of 100.
Updated "Jennifer's Request I" rewards to x5 Jinn's Mystical Coin and x2 Cursed Lamp Seal.
Updated "The Letters of DynZen II" rewards to x5 Jinn's Mystical Coin and x2 Cursed Lamp Seal.
Updated "The Cursed Lamp" rewards to x5 Jinn's Mystical Coin and x2 Cursed Lamp Seal.
Updated "Jinn the Genius" rewards to x3 Jinn's Mystical Coin and x1 Cursed Lamp Seal.
Updated "The Mad Genius" rewards to x50 Jinn's Mystical Coin and x5 Cursed Lamp Seal.
Eri's Trial quests no longer require the previous trial quest to accept it.
Slightly improved rate of Prophet's Arcane Relic in Act 6.1 and Act 6.2 raidboxes.
Added extra Battle Pass daily and weekly tasks.
Disabled the use of Buff Device in Act 4.
Added a limited version of Jinn's Apprentice pet to the game.
Updated Jinn's Apprentice pet skill:
Apprentice's Aid
Attack Type: Melee
Element: Light
Cast Time: 1
Cooldown: 60 -> 45 Second(s)
MP Cost: 50
Distance: 0
Target Style: Friendly AOE (2 -> 6 Cells)
Target Type: Auto-Expression
There is a 100% chance of causing [Apprentice's Aid].
You can no longer kill pets and partners to complete the Sound Flower quest.
Added the following new elemental masks to the game:
Hatus' Shadow Mask
Champion Level: 10
Melee Def: 0
Ranged Def: 0
Magic Def: 0
Dodge: 0
Fire Res: 0
Water Res: 0
Light Res: 0
Dark Res: 0
All attacks are increased by 50.
Shadow element is increased by 50.
Damage to monsters is increased by 3%.
Calvinas' Water Mask
Champion Level: 10
Melee Def: 0
Ranged Def: 0
Magic Def: 0
Dodge: 0
Fire Res: 0
Water Res: 0
Light Res: 0
Dark Res: 0
All attacks are increased by 50.
Water element is increased by 50.
Damage to monsters is increased by 3%.
Berios' Light Mask
Champion Level: 10
Melee Def: 0
Ranged Def: 0
Magic Def: 0
Dodge: 0
Fire Res: 0
Water Res: 0
Light Res: 0
Dark Res: 0
All attacks are increased by 50.
Light element is increased by 50.
Damage to monsters is increased by 3%.
Morcos' Fire Mask
Champion Level: 10
Melee Def: 0
Ranged Def: 0
Magic Def: 0
Dodge: 0
Fire Res: 0
Water Res: 0
Light Res: 0
Dark Res: 0
All attacks are increased by 50.
Fire element is increased by 50.
Damage to monsters is increased by 3%.
Mukraju's Mask
Champion Level: 50
Melee Def: 0
Ranged Def: 0
Magic Def: 0
Dodge: 0
Fire Res: 0
Water Res: 0
Light Res: 0
Dark Res: 0
All attacks are increased by 75.
All element energies are increased by 100.
All elemental resistance is increased by 3.
Damage to monsters is increased by 5%.
Note: Mukraju's Mask can be crafted at Therese in Port Alveus Square.
Modified the rates and rewards of the following Glacernon raidboxes:
Lord Morcos' Chest
Blazing Heart [Title]Morcos' Fire MaskBlazing Fire WingsSellaim's EssencePerfect Shell (Weapon)PvP Shell (Weapon)Special Shell (Weapon)Rainbow Pearl x5Magic EraserSmall Ruby of Completion x3~x5Ruby of Completion x3~x5Angel's Feather x15
Lord Hatus' Gift Box
Abyss Dweller [Title]Hatus' Shadow MaskArchdaemon WingsTurik's EssencePerfect Shell (Weapon)PvP Shell (Weapon)Special Shell (Weapon)Rainbow Pearl x5Magic EraserSmall Obsidian of Completion x3~x5Obsidian of Completion x3~x5Angel's Feather x15
Lady Calvinas' Gift Box
Ocean Keeper [Title]Calvinas' Water MaskFrosty Ice WingsWoondine's EssencePerfect Shell (Armour)PvP Shell (Armour)Special Shell (Armour)Rainbow Pearl x5Magic EraserSmall Sapphire of Completion x3~x5Sapphire of Completion x3~x5Angel's Feather x15
Baron Berios' Treasure Chest
Illuminator [Title]Berios' Light MaskArchangel WingsEperial's EssencePerfect Shell (Armour)PvP Shell (Armour)Special Shell (Armour)Rainbow Pearl x5Magic EraserSmall Topaz of Completion x3~x5Topaz of Completion x3~x5Angel's Feather x15Jinn the Genius Raid Changes
Reduced the amount of hits it takes to kill Jinn.
Increased the amount of gold dropped after defeating Jinn.
Jinn will now summon extra Apprentices for his heal mechanic.
Improved the rate of which the Apprentice heal mechanic is activated.
Applied a visual effect on Jinn to alert players he is healing during Apprentice heal mechanic.
Improved the performance for the Pillar mechanic.
Changed the amount of Jinn's Mystical Coins x1~x2 that drop after Jinn is defeated from 3 to 6.
The following effects will no longer work for Players, Pets and Partners in the raid:
%s%% chance to summon %s.
There's a %s%% chance of leeching %s HP from the enemy.
Converts %s HP from enemy into your MP.
A buff will be applied to Swordsman when entering the raid to reduce their HP by 30%.
Modified the trade options for Yertirand.
Reworked the rates and rewards for the following event raidbox:
Raidbox [Jinn the Genius]
Jinn's ApprenticeJinn's Specialist Partner CardPirate Specialist CardLeonaNavy BushtailPirate Pet TrainerPirate SP Upgrade Scroll x2Draco's Claw x1~x3Glacerus' Mane x1~x3Jinn's Mystical Coin x2~x4Partner Skill Ticket (Single)Blue Gem x3~x5Juicy Watermelon x99Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug where Curse of the Jinn buff would not apply to some players under specific circumstances.
Fixed a bug where daily event quests were not resetting.
Fixed a bug where Buff Device buff duration would be reset to the buffs actual duration if a player skill applies the buff.
Fixed a bug where some players Battle Pass was bugging out.
Fixed a bug where Arena of Masters was not opening correctly.
Note: Arena of Masters will open on Saturday and Sunday from 15:00 to 22:00 on Channel 5.
Fixed a bug with IP checks towards Raids, Caligor and Instant Combat.
We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.See you in NosVille!