General Changes
Added Honeybee Wings (Permanent) and Honeybee Shades (Permanent) to Honeybee Costume Set box.
Updated the following costume stats:
Noble Cudgel Skin (Permanent)
Level: 20
Increases PvP attack power by 2%.
[+] All attacks are increased by 5%.
[+] There is a 5% chance that you will receive an extra Raidbox after completing a Raid.
Noble Wildflower Skin (Permanent)
Level: 20
Increases PvP attack power by 2%.
[+] All attacks are increased by 5%.
[+] There is a 5% chance that you will receive an extra Raidbox after completing a Raid.
Noble Uchiwa Skin (Permanent)
Level: 20
Increases PvP attack power by 2%.
[+] All attacks are increased by 5%.
[+] There is a 5% chance that you will receive an extra Raidbox after completing a Raid.
Groovy Beach Hat (Permanent)
Level: 20
Fire resistance is increased by 5.
[+] All attacks are increased by 5%.
[+] All elemental resistance is increased by 3.
Groovy Beach Costume (Permanent)
There is a 5% chance to apply [Groovy Beach Vibes] to the alliance within 5 fields.
[+] Movement speed is increased by 1.
Added new Wing Costume to the game:
Groovy Beach Wings (Permanent)
Level: 20
All defences are increased by 5%.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Maximum HP is increased by 1500.
Note: When equipping this wing with the Groovy Beach Costume you will gain "Your damage is increased by 5% when inside a Raid." Set Effect.
Updated the elemental wings buff stats to the following:
(Buff) Archangel Wings
Type: Level 10 Good Buff
Style: General Effect
Buff Time: 300 second(s)
Light element is increased by 10.
[+] Reduces the enemy's light resistance by 10.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
(Buff) Archdaemon Wings
Type: Level 10 Good Buff
Style: General Effect
Buff Time: 300 second(s)
Shadow element is increased by 10.
[+] Reduces the enemy's shadow resistance by 10.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
(Buff) Blazing Fire Wings
Type: Level 10 Good Buff
Style: General Effect
Buff Time: 300 second(s)
Fire element is increased by 10.
[+] Reduces the enemy's fire resistance by 10.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
(Buff) Frosty Ice Wings
Type: Level 10 Good Buff
Style: General Effect
Buff Time: 300 second(s)
Water element is increased by 10.
[+] Reduces the enemy's water resistance by 10.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Added "Dyn" NPC to NosVille.
Note: This NPC will be used for Battle Pass "Dyn Crystal" trading.
Added several new quest types to the game for event and future uses.

Updated Leo (he's no longer a coward!).

Updated and improved Jinn's Specialist Partner Card.

Added new pet to the game "Jinn's Apprentice".
Added the following new Titles to the game:
Obtained in Summer 2022 Event.
On attack, there is a 3% chance of inflicting [Banished] on your opponent.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
When a hunted monster drops an item, there's a 3% chance that it drops the item a second time.
Obtained by assisting the network with promotional advertising.
Increases Gold earned by 5%.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
There is a 3% chance that you will receive an extra Raidbox after completing a Raid.
Onyx's Wrath
Obtained in Summer 2022 Battle Pass Dyn Crystal trading or box.
When attacking, there is a 5% chance of summoning a shadow clone to carry out an additional attack.
All attacks are increased by 3%.
Obtained in Summer 2022 Battle Pass Dyn Crystal trading or box.
Your specialist's HP/MP skill points are increased by 5.
All defences are increased by 5%.
Obtained in Summer 2022 Battle Pass Dyn Crystal trading or box.
Your specialist's defence skill points are increased by 5.
All defences are increased by 5%.
Obtained in Summer 2022 Battle Pass Dyn Crystal trading or box.
Your specialist's elemental skill points are increased by 5.
All attacks are increased by 5%.
Obtained in Summer 2022 Battle Pass Dyn Crystal trading or box.
Your specialist's attack skill points are increased by 5.
All attacks are increased by 5%.
Obtained in Summer 2022 Battle Pass Dyn Crystal trading or box.
All attacks are increased by 7%.
All defences are increased by 7%.
Rising Star
Obtained in Summer 2022 Battle Pass Dyn Crystal trading or box.
Experience gain is increased by 5%.
Movement speed is increased by 1.
Increases champion experience received by 5%.
Ocean Breeze
Obtained by completing Summer 2022 Battle Pass.
All attacks are increased by 3%.
On attack there is a 3% chance of increasing your equipped fairy's element by 15.
Movement speed is increased by 1.

Summer Event
Jinn has taken over Tart Hapendam and made it his own Domain. He's chased away all the residents and is intending on turning the entire desert into ice. With the help of Jennifer, Yertirand and Shiduri together you take on Jinn to stop his evil plan!
Event will last until August 25th.
To access Jinn's Domain, the map portal is located in NosVille.
The event currency will be

and is used to trade Yertirand for goods.
Note: Currency is earned by completing event quests and raid.

You trade

with Yertirand located in Jinn's Domain.
Jinn's Cursed Treasure Box
Blue Gem x2~x4Green Gem x7~x12Yellow Gem x15~x24Fairy Booster x1~x2Partner Skill Ticket (Single)Jinn's Apprentice
Pirate Gang's Treasure Chest
Blue Gem x2~x4Green Gem x7~x12Yellow Gem x15~x24Navy BushtailPirate Pet Trainer x2Pirate SP Upgrade Scroll x3Pirate Specialist CardLeonaJennifer will provide you with repeatable, daily and weekly quests located in Jinn's Domain.
Note: Quests reward you with Raid Seals and event currency.
Shiduri will be the map merchant.

Summer Event (Battle Pass)
We have decided the best way to handle the Battle Pass is to run them during seasonal events so everyone can enjoy them. The Premium Battle Pass can either be purchased via the NosMall or you can trade with Yertirand for

You can earn

and other rewards including Leo and a new Title!
You trade

with Dyn at NosVille for valuable items and titles.
Note: All rewards at Dyn remain permanent and can be obtained in other seasonal events as well.

Summer Event (Raid)
Jinn the Genius has been designed with the purpose of creating a challenge everyone can enjoy. The mechanics have been designed to create a healthy teamwork atmosphere and to provide confidence in our ability to produce more custom content like this in the future.
Raid can be accessed from Jinn's Domain.
Note: Raid can have up to 8 players (Level 83+) and requires all team members to have the raid seal.
Upon completion you will be awarded with a

and the following raidbox.
Raidbox [Jinn the Genius]
Jinn's Specialist Partner CardPirate Specialist CardLeonaNavy BushtailPirate Pet TrainerPirate SP Upgrade Scroll x2Draco's Claw x1~x3Glacerus' Mane x1~x3Jinn's Mystical CoinPartner Skill Ticket (Single)Blue Gem x3~x5Juicy Watermelon x99
NosMall Changes
Added Premium Battle Pass to the NosMall.
Added Premium Battle Pass Coin to the NosMall.
This weeks Fortune Bags are


"Sleepy Koala" and

"Noble Weapons"!You can see what these items provide you below:

You can also view on our Discord Server the information regarding each weeks Fortune Bags!
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug with the Raidmaster title effect not working correctly.
Known Issues
Visual bug on title screen for "Banisher" title.
Visual bug with "Apprentice's Aid" skill on Jinn's Apprentice showing the wrong buff.
Compensation Package
Due to the website downtime earlier this week, we have included a compensation package for everyone which can be located in the NosMall under "Events". This package will be available until August 16th.
We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.See you in NosVille!