Thanks again for all your feedback. This patch is another reflection of us cooperating with our community and producing content that fits your needs. We're constantly striving to create a fun and fair server where your efforts are recognised and this is another step towards that goal.
General Changes
When a character completes the Act 1 quest line they will instantly level to 85.
Note: The growth in level occurs when you complete quest "The Tree Fernon" that requires you to complete Timespace "Final Showdown". This will only affect a character if the level is below 85.
Increased exp gain for level 80 to 90.
You can now begin Eri's Trial VII at level 88.
Reduced Eri's level 90 equipment to level 88.
The following quests can now be gained at level 88:
Collect even more Ice Flowers! (Daily Quest)
Eliminate monsters in the region of the Burning Sword (daily)
Collect Ingredients for the Heat Resistance Potion (Daily)
Collect material for the camp construction! (Daily Quest)
Reduced the HP by 10% and overall Res by 10 for all the following Land of Death monsters:
Revenant Skeleton Warrior
Fire Drake
Death Warrior
Bone Drake
Hell Knight
Updated Un-Common and Common Box contents and also added a new "Rare Box" to all Fortune Bags currently in-game and upcoming.
Un-Common Box
Fairy Booster x2~x4Ancelloan's Blessing x2~x4Soulstone Blessing x2~x4Fairy Experience Potion x2~x4Tarot Card Game x1~x2 Golden Equipment Protection Scroll x1~x2Mother Nature's Rune Pack
Common Box
Gourmet Pet Food x5~x10Partner Medicine x5~x10Perfume x5~x10Divine Recovery Potion x15~x25Angel's Feather x15~x25Full Moon Crystal x15~x25Wings of Friendship x15~x25Speaker x15~x30Sealed Vessel x5~x10
Rare Box
NosMerchant Medal (30 Days)Golden Specialist Card HolderFairy BeadPet BeadSpecialist Partner Card Holder Adjusted the purchase price of the following items:
Apple (500 -> 15,000)
Fire Fairy (30%) (720 -> 200,000)
Water Fairy (30%) (720 -> 200,000)
Light Fairy (30%) (720 -> 200,000)
Shadow Fairy (30%) (720 -> 200,000)
Adjusted the sell price of the following items:
Relic of the First Tribes (45,000 -> 56,000)
Intact Relic of the First Tribes (80,000 -> 91,000)
Bloodstained Bandage (22,000 -> 20,000)
Uncomfortable Clothing (22,000 -> 20,000)
Lingering Malice (22,000 -> 20,000)
Added Apple to the Bob's shop in NosVille.
Added the following items to Joey's shop in NosVille:
Fire Fairy (30%)
Water Fairy (30%)
Light Fairy (30%)
Shadow Fairy (30%)
Act 6 Changes
Replaced all the Lazekiel and Esther with Rozhanik in Heaven's Ruins 1, Heaven's Ruins 2 and Heaven's Gate 4.
Added additional Unknown Spirit Swordsman to Ancelloan's Will 5.
Added 2 teleport options to Airship Captain that will take you to Ancelloan's Will 2 and Ancelloan's Will 5.
Updated the rates and rewards of the following Raidboxes:
Raid Box [Zenas]
Prophet's Arcane Relic x1~x2Zenas' Divine RingZenas' Luxury High HeelsZenas' EggSealed Heavenly GlovesSealed Heavenly ShoesTwilight EssenceSealed Heavy Heavenly ArmourSealed Heavenly RobeSealed Heavenly Leather ArmourSealed Heavenly CrossbowSealed Heavenly Spell GunSealed Heavenly DaggerSealed Heavenly SwordSealed Heavenly StaffSealed Heavenly BowSealed Heavenly HelmetSealed Heavenly Leather HatSealed Heavenly HeadbandDraco's Claw x3~x5Glacerus' Mane x3~x5Archangel WingsAngel WingsCrystal of Balance x3~x5Shining Blue Soul x10~x15Silk x5Intact Orichalcum x5Ancelloan's Secondary Weapon Production ScrollAncelloan's Armour Production ScrollCellon (Level 9) x2
Raid Box [Erenia]
Prophet's Arcane Relic x1~2Erenia's Crafted HornSealed Hellord GlovesSealed Hellord ShoesAbyssal EssenceErenia's EggSealed Hellord Heavy ArmourSealed Hellord RobeSealed Hellord Leather ArmourSealed Hellord CrossbowSealed Hellord Spell GunSealed Hellord DaggerSealed Hellord SwordSealed Hellord WandSealed Hellord BowSealed Hellord HelmetSealed Hellord Leather HatSealed Hellord HeadbandArchdaemon WingsDevil WingsDraco's Claw x3~x5Glacerus' Mane x3~x5Crystal of Balance x3~x5Shining Blue Soul x10~x15Silk x5Intact Orichalcum x5Ancelloan's Secondary Weapon Production ScrollAncelloan's Armour Production ScrollCellon (Level 9) x2
Fernon the Destroyer Treasure Chest
Prophet's Arcane Relic x1~x2Fernon's GlovesFernon's ShoesAzrael's MaskFernon's EggLuminiel's Shining CrossbowAbyssal Lorten's Spell GunBroken Krem's Left BladeBroken Krem's Right BladeSeli-Lusha's Branch of LightAzrael's WingsBrave Shares' Heavy ArmourMukraju's RobeLeather Armour of Silver Soul GlacernonArchangel WingsArchdaemon WingsShares' Steel HelmGlacernon Leather HatMukraju's CircletDraco's Claw x3~x5Glacerus' Mane x3~x5Crystal of Balance x3~x5Shining Blue Soul x10~x15Silk x5Intact Orichalcum x5Ancelloan's Secondary Weapon Production ScrollAncelloan's Armour Production Scroll
Prophet's Arcane Relic
Percival has arrived in NosVille [149, 46] and is in need of players collecting

from Erenia, Zenas and Fernon raidboxes to trade for valuable goods!
You can trade "Prophet's Arcane Relic"

to Percival for the following items:
NosMerchant Medal (7 Days)
Golden Specialist Card Holder
Pet Bead
Fairy Bead
Mount Bead
Specialist Partner Card Holder
Partner Bead
Partner Skill Ticket (Single)
Point Initialisation Potion
This system has been designed to introduce items players felt could only be obtained via the NosMall. Instead of us applying this to just an NPC for gold we felt it would influence further raid activities if we add these items there.

NosMall Changes
This weeks Fortune Bags are


"In-Line Skate" and

"Onyx Wings"!You can see what these items provide you below:

You can also view on our Discord Server the information regarding each weeks Fortune Bags!
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that was causing the gold increase stats to cap after a specific value.
We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.See you in NosVille!