Thanks to those who joined in with the discussion on our Discord Server (July 19th). Your feedback is always important to us and this patch is the first to reflect the importance of cooperating with our community and producing good content.This is not the only patch we intend on applying based on the discussion. We do have Patch 1.0.8 also being prepared but afterwards we will be pushing towards a Summer Event and Custom Content.
General Changes
Modified the sell price of Act 6.1 equipment to 8,000,000 gold.
Modified the sell price of Act 6.2 equipment to 10,000,000 gold.
Reverted all Act 6 equipment back to their original states.
Note: We are in the middle of reworking the items and that patch will come next week with Patch 1.0.8 we just want to get the new Game Sages involved when they're announced. For the time being enjoy the C45 buffs and effects but do know they are going to be removed next weeks patch.When you login your items will be returned to you via the Parcel.
Applied temporary changes until Patch 1.0.8 to Act 6 crossbows:
Sealed Heavenly Crossbow
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 528
Max Dmg: 639
Hit Rate: 486
Crit Chance: 18%
Crit Dmg: 180%
All attacks are increased by 190.
All defence powers are increased by 190.
All element energies are increased by 12.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 12.
[+] Increases damage with a probability of 15% by 25%.
Sealed Hellord Crossbow
Champion Level: 25
Min Dmg: 578
Max Dmg: 699
Hit Rate: 437
Crit Chance: 14%
Crit Dmg: 200%
All attacks are increased by 190.
All defence powers are increased by 190.
All element energies are increased by 12.
Reduces the enemy's elemental resistances by 12.
[+] Increases damage with a probability of 15% by 25%.
Luminiel's Shining Crossbow
Champion Level: 45
Min Dmg: 553
Max Dmg: 669
Hit Rate: 462
Crit Chance: 16%
Crit Dmg: 190%
All attacks are increased by 220.
All defence powers are increased by 220.
There is a 5% chance of causing [Rumial's Dawn].
All element energies are increased by 18.
[+] Increases damage with a probability of 15% by 30%.
Slightly improved equipment rate from Act 6 and Act 6.2 raid boxes.
Slightly reduced the custom drop rate for Green, Red and Blue souls in Act 5.2.
Note: It was never meant to be this high of a drop rate to begin with but due to the increased drop rate we never modified the rates for these items so it's been over performing since. The difference isn't huge but it will be noticable, understandably this won't be the most welcomed of changes but we do have to balance things out.
Slightly increased the drop rate in Act 6 maps for Vanguard Res, Blue Souls and Element of Balance.
When logging into a channel the status of Land of Death will appear in the chatbox.
An announcement will be made when Land of Death opens on a channel.
Added "Tropical Costume Wings" to "Tropical Costume Set" box.
Reduced the amount of power required to summon Lord Mukraju in Glacernon by 50%.
Note: We have had to reset the scores to 0 to apply this change so expect the % to be 0 for each faction.
The max level restriction for all Timespaces which had this requirement have been removed.
Reworked the rewards inside Instant Combat for the following level ranges:
Level 60 ~ 69
Round 1
42,000 Gold
Large Recovery Potion x10
Gillion Stone x10
Attack Potion x2
Round 2
48,000 Gold
Large Recovery Potion x14
Gillion Stone x14
Defence Potion x2
Round 3
54,000 Gold
Large Recovery Potion x18
Gillion Stone x18
Energy Potion x2
Round 4
60,000 Gold
Large Recovery Potion x24
Gillion Stone x20
160,000 Gold
2,000 Fame
10,000 SP
Level 70 ~ 79
Round 1
49,000 Gold
Angel's Feather x7
Full Moon Crystal x6
Attack Potion x2
Huge Recovery Potion x6
Round 2
54,000 Gold
Angel's Feather x9
Full Moon Crystal x8
Defence Potion x2
Huge Recovery Potion x7
Round 3
64,000 Gold
Angel's Feather x11
Full Moon Crystal x10
Energy Potion x2
Huge Recovery Potion x9
Round 4
74,000 Gold
Angel's Feather x13
Full Moon Crystal x12
Experience Potion x2
Huge Recovery Potion x11
220,000 Gold
3,000 Fame
10,000 SP
Level 80+
Round 1
80,000 Gold
Angel's Feather x8
Full Moon Crystal x6
Attack Potion x4
Huge Recovery Potion x12
Round 2
94,000 Gold
Angel's Feather x11
Full Moon Crystal x9
Defence Potion x4
Huge Recovery Potion x15
Round 3
106,000 Gold
Angel's Feather x14
Full Moon Crystal x12
Energy Potion x4
Huge Recovery Potion x18
Round 4
120,000 Gold
Angel's Feather x17
Full Moon Crystal x15
Experience Potion x2
Huge Recovery Potion x21
250,000 Gold
3,500 Fame
10,000 SP
Therese's Treasure Locket Changes
So this system didn't quite hit the mark on what we were trying to achieve. The idea was simple, allow a way to produce useful items by either playing the game or having a gold sink. It however didn't turn out that way so we've had to revamp it.We've basically split the system up into 2 parts, the first being the original idea of having the gold option at Therese with a main prize and many rewarding items. The second is the item itself, it's now going to be used as a way to provide useful limited items to players throughout their journey.
It now costs 600,000 gold to use the gold option at Therese.
Removed "Therese's Treasure Locket" item from the game.
Note: Item has been removed from all players Inventory, Warehouse and NosBazaar.
Added a reworked version of

to the game.
Note: This version of the item cannot be traded or sold to an NPC. The item contains items inside and no longer requires you to take the item to Therese.

as a special reward to all Act 1 TimeSpaces.
Note: You only obtain x1 per Timespace but when you complete Act 1 you will obtain x5.
You have a 50% chance at obtaining x1

as a reward for completing Instant Combat.
You now obtain x2

per completion of the following Daily Quests:
Bounty: Kertos the Demon Dog
Bounty: Valakus King of Fire
Bounty: Fire God Grenigas
Bounty: Witch Laurena
Bounty: Light and Darkness
Bounty: Lord Draco
Bounty: Glacerus the Ice Cold
You now obtain x10

per completion of the following Weekly Quests:
Bounty: Blazing Depths
Bounty: The Burning Sword
Bounty: Witch Hunt
Bounty: Erenia
Bounty: Zenas
When you open the

in your inventory you can obtain one of the following rewards:
Mother Nature's Rune Pack
Fairy Booster x1 ~ x2
Ancelloan's Blessing x1 ~ x2
Tarot Card (The Devil)
Tarot Card (The Star)
Tarot Card (The Sun)
Divine Recovery Potion x5 ~ x10
Fairy Experience Potion x1 ~ x2
Soulstone Blessing x1 ~ x2
Guardian Angel's Blessing x1 ~ x2
Experience Potion x1 ~ x2
Attack Potion x2 ~ x5
Defence Potion x2 ~ x5
Energy Potion x2 ~ x5
Wings of Friendship x2 ~ x5
Speaker x3 ~ x5
Full Moon Crystal x5 ~ x10
Buff Device
Gourmet Pet Food x1 ~ x2
Partner Medicine x1 ~ x2
Cylloan Spring Water x5 ~ x10
Just to serve as a reminder, the current gold rewards are:
Seraphim Egg
Golden Equipment Protection Scroll x1 ~ x2
Tarot Card Game x1 ~ x2
Ancelloan's Blessing x1 ~ x2
Champion Blessing Amulet (Random)
Sealed Tarot Card (The Sun) x1 ~ x3
Sealed Tarot Card (The Devil) x1 ~ x3
Sealed Tarot Card (The Star) x1 ~ x3
Experience Potion x1 ~ x3
Draco's Claw x1 ~ x3
Glacerus' Mane x1 ~ x3
Fairy Experience Potion x1 ~ x2
Attack Potion x3 ~ x7
Defence Potion x3 ~ x7
Energy Potion x3 ~ x7
Wings of Friendship x3 ~ x7
Speaker x3 ~ x7
Divine Health Potion x6 ~ x12
Divine Mana Potion x6 ~ x12
Divine Recovery Potion x6 ~ x12
Angel's Feather x6 ~ x12
Full Moon Crystal x6 ~ x12
Buff Device x1 ~ x2
Gourmet Pet Food x1 ~ x3
Partner Medicine x1 ~ x3
It's important to understand the difference between these systems as one is used as a gold sink and the other is used to produce items to assist players as they play.We will update the gold rewards on a monthly basis including the main reward.

NosMall Changes
This weeks Fortune Bags are

"Tropical Set",

"Windsurfer" and

"Petal Wings"!You can see what these items provide you below:

Bug Fixes
We are working on several known issues but haven't had the capabilities of testing the fixes fully. We hope to bring more fixes to you soon!
Fixed a bug with Buff Device where it would not be consumed inside Glacernon.
Fixed a bug where Buff Device "Bear Spirit" would still apply when joining arena.
Weekend Event
We've decided that the weekend events will run on a 2 week basis. The next event held will be done next week and we will announce it in the patch notes only when we have an event to offer.These events will be labelled as "Happy Hour" Events, despite it being an entire weekend it just fits the type of event it is.
We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.See you in NosVille!