We have listened to everyones feedback regarding the NosMall and we have delivered!We took a look at the items we're selling on the NosMall and decided to remove some we feel are in bad taste and offer a broad selection of pets, partner specialists, mounts and costumes as requested by you.We have removed the following items from the NosMall:
Casual Costume Box (m)
Animalistic Costume Box (m)
Men's Hat Box
Casual Costume Box (f)
Animalistic Costume Box (f)
Women's Hat Box
Unisex Hat Box
Hair Colour Mix
Unisex Costume Sets & More
Colorful Bushi Surprise Box
Special Bushi Surprise Box
Historical Bushi Surprise Box
All players who have purchased any of the items above have received a 50% Zen refund added to their account.The following items have had their price reduced:
Golden Specialist Card Holder (1,050 Zen)
Pet Bead (1,050 Zen)
Partner Bead (1,050 Zen)
Specialist Partner Card Holder (1,050 Zen)
Fairy Bead (1,050 Zen)
All players who have purchased any of the items above have received the difference in price added back to their account.We hope this has improved your opinion of the NosMall and we're glad to have delivered these changes to meet your needs. Thank you again for all the feedback as we continue to build something great here.We are always curious on your opinion. Please do not hesitate to contact us regarding any concerns or any suggestions to improving the content we have provided you.See you in NosVille!